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02400 Pilots and Ground Crew: German Airforce WWII
02401 World War II Pilots and Ground Crew: Royal Air Force
02402 NATO Pilots (Modern)
02452 Seven Years War Austrian & Prussian Infantry
02453 Seven Years War Austrian Dragoons & Prussian Hussars
02500 World War II German Paratroopers
02501 World War II Australian Infantry
02502 World War II German Infantry
02503 World War II US Infantry
02504 World War I German Infantry
02505 World War I French Infantry
02506 World War II US Marines
02507 World War II Japanese Infantry
02508 World War II German Engineers
02509 World War II British Paratroopers
02510 World War II Soviet Infantry
02511 World War II German Armoured Infantry
02512 World War II Scottish Infantry, 8th Army
02513 World War II Africa Corps
02514 World War II Soviet Cossacks
02515 World War II German Artillery
02516 World War II Siberian Riflemen
02517 World War II U.S. Paratroopers
02518 Modern German Armoured Infantry
02519 Modern British Infantry
02520 Modern US Infantry
02521 Modern German Paratroops
02522 German Crisis Reaction Forces (KRK)
02523 World War II British Infantry
02524 German Commando Special Forces (KSK)
02525 WWII German Navy
02526 Vietcong
02527 Vietnam War American Special Forces
02528 WWII Japanese Infantry
02529 WWII ANZAC Infantry
02530 WWII British Commandos
02531 German Pak 40 & Soldiers
02532 WWII German Paratroops
02533 Soviet Spetsnaz (1980)
02550 Normans
02551 Anglo-Saxons
02552 Praetorians
02553 Celts (Gauls)
02554 Cowboys
02555 Indians
02556 Thirty Years War Imperial Infantry
02557 Thirty Years War Swedish Infantry
02558 Confederate Infantry
02559 Union Infantry
02560 American War of Independence British Infantry
02561 American War of Independence American Militia
02562 English Foot Soldiers
02563 French Knights
02564 Confederate Pioneers
02565 Union Artillery
02566 Thirty Years War Imperial Artillery
02567 Thirty Years War Swedish Cavalry
02568 Conquistadors
02569 Aztecs
02570 Napoleonic French Grenadier Guards
02571 Napoleonic British Infantry
02572 Seven Years War Prussian Infantry
02573 Seven Years War Austrian Dragoons
02574 Seven Years War Austrian Infantry
02575 Seven Years War Prussian Hussars
02576 Napoleonic French Mounted Guard Chasseurs
02577 Napoleonic British Foot Artillery
02578 Napoleonic British Life Guards
02579 Seven Years War Austrian Artillery
02580 Napoleonic Prussian Infantry
02581 Napoleonic British Rifles
02584 World War II German Mechanized Infantrymen
02586 Napoleonic French Hussars (s. Italeri 6008)
02587 Napoleonic French Dragoons
02588 Napoleonic French Horse Guard Artillery
02589 Napoleonic Prussian Cuirassiers
02596 British Paratroopers (Falklands War)
02597 British Infantry WWII
02598 German Infantry WWII
02599 American Infantry WWII
02616 Afrika Korps
02617 British 8th Army